Tight-aggressive is a good strategy to win at poker. But what exactly does that mean? In this article, we will give you some examples of aggressive moves that can be used in both cash games and tournaments. Whether these moves are profitable or not depends a lot on the impression other players have of you (picture of the table).
If you have been playing like crazy, these will not work at all! We strongly recommend using these actions even at weak tables and against weak opponents. That said, be careful and do not use these tips against strong players, they could potentially see through you!
Reaction to donk bets

A donk bet is when you raise before the flop and a player then bets for you. Usually in this situation, your opponent will check the raise. At this point, we need to think about why this player is making this donk bet. If you had a strong hand, wouldn’t you check and let us bet? Your opponent’s donk bets usually indicate a weak hand or draw. The donk bettor is looking for information or trying to set a price to see the next card.
The correct solution here would be not a simple call, but a raise. There is a good chance that the donk bettor will fold immediately on the turn or fold for a second bet. In this scenario, your hand is of secondary importance. This move works both as an all-out bluff and with a draw (which often gives you a clear view of the river card if you check the turn) and with strong hands.
Bet when your opponent stops betting
Most players know that a continuation bet after the flop is standard action if they raised preflop, even if the flop is not good for them. But only strong players will fire a second or even third bullet if they miss. This means that weaker players often bet after the flop but check the turn. You can take advantage of this by calling the flop bet (the technical term is “floating” – calling with the intention of your opponent folding on the next turn). If your opponent checks later, it’s time to bet. We recommend betting about half the pot to make it look like a value bet. This move works especially well when there are threatening cards on the board, such as an ace or king.
Represents redness

It’s actually quite difficult to get a flush. But unlike “hidden” lanes, every player sees a potential flush on the board. If the flop contains two suited cards and a player calls, the bettor is usually considering the possibility that the player has a flush draw. If the turn or river brings the third flush, a bet of the right size is usually enough to get your opponent to fold. Again, the size of the bet matters to make it look like a value bet. Remember, each lantern should tell a compelling story from start to finish!
Do not use this strategy if there are 4 flush cards on the board. Most of the time, any player with a suited card will call your bluff!